EVG Whistleblower Portal

EV GroupWhistleblowing

EV Group´s Whistleblowing Channel

EV Group aims to create sustainable value by taking responsible approaches and meeting customer needs. Therefore, one of our goals is to foster a compliance culture that enables us to work in a safe and ethical organisation. This includes reporting potential breaches of internal standards and regulatory requirements, so that these matters can be investigated and to initiate appropriate measures.

An open and especially trustful communication with our employees and external stakeholders as well as addressing deficiencies/breaches/violations directly is important for the safety and development of EV Group.  

In some situations, however, providing direct information on critical matters is not possible for various and valid reasons. For such cases, EV Group offers this Whistleblowing Channel as an additional option, which provides various ways to report a violation. This can also be done completely anonymously.

The portal allows confidential submission of reports about possible violations of the following laws or regulations:

  • Public procurement,
  • Financial services, financial products and financial markets and prevention of money laundering and terrorist financing,
  • Product safety and product compliance,
  • Transport safety,
  • Environmental protection,
  • Radiation protection and nuclear safety,
  • Food and feed safety, animal health and welfare,
  • Public health,
  • Consumer protection,
  • Protection of privacy and personal data and security of network and information systems,
  • Prevention of punishment of criminal offences under section 302 to 309 of the Austrian Criminal Code (Strafgesetzbuch - StGB) for example corruption, abuse of official authority, etc.

In addition to the scope of application specified by law, EVG also enables the reporting of violations in connection with the Responsible Business Alliance (RBA) Code of Conduct.

Confidential submission means, that you are not obliged to enter any data which allows for conclusions about your identity at any stage of the reporting process.

Submitted reports are processed by dedicated and specialized staff and it is ensured that your identity, should you anyhow decide to disclose it, is only disclosed to the persons authorised to process it. Depending on the situation, other relevant authorities may be involved.

The deliberate submission of wrong information may result in criminal or civil penalties. To avoid this situation, note the following:


Without comprehensive information, solution-oriented action is not possible. We urge the whistleblowers to verify all information to the best of their knowledge.

Please describe the facts clearly and provide as much details as possible for example copies of relevant, lawfully obtained documents or a list of names of other possible witnesses.

If you are not sure whether a matter is subject to the above mentioned facts, you can of course still confide in your team leader/person of trust and discuss the matter with him or her. If this is not possible or if you personally do not wish to do so, the Whistleblowing Channel is available to you.
